There are 6 taxa in the category – Cupressaceae, Callitris:
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A rare and potentially threatened species of Eucalyptus woodland in southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales.… Read full species entry >
A small tree or shrub endemic to the southern coastal areas of Western Australia. Habitat fragmentation, indirect effects of introduced diseases and increasing fire frequencies pose potential threats.… Read full species entry >
Restricted to the higher elevations of New Caledonia. The major threat is wildfire; some subpopulations have been effected by trail construction to facilitate tourism.… Read full species entry >
Endemic to Australia where it occurs on the mainland and Tasmania. Threats include forest clearance, fire, grazing, invasive species and soil erosion.… Read full species entry >
A small tree or shrub of the coastal areas of southern Western Australia. In some areas overgrazing and increased fire frequencies are an ongoing problem.… Read full species entry >
One of two Callitris species endemic to New Caledonia; it is restricted to a few locations in the south of the main island of Grande Terre where its threatened by fire and logging… Read full species entry >
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