Categories · Geographic Regions


The Caribbean Threatened Conifer Region consists of three large island groups: the Bahamas, the Lesser Antilles, and the Greater Antilles; also included in this Region is the island of Bermuda. The seasonal tropical climate of the Caribbean is moderated by the prevailing northeast trade winds.

Temperatures vary between 24°C and 32°C depending on altitude and the annual precipitation ranges from 600 to 5000 mm. The 18 conifer taxa in this Region are represented by the genera Juniperus, Pinus and Podocarpus; 16 taxa are globally threatened. Some junipers (Juniperus barbadensis var. lucayana, J. gracilior var. ekmanii and J. saxicola) have only one or two locations with very small populations of less than 100 individuals. In contrast Pinus occidentalis, endemic to Hispaniola, and P. caribaea in the Bahamas, cover relatively large areas. Podocarpus coriacea has the widest distribution within the Region, while the other podocarps occurr as endemics on a single island and confined to relatively small areas. Threats throughout the Region include deforestation, logging, fire and invasive exotic plants and pests.

There are 18 taxa in the category – Caribbean:

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