
Dacrydium nausoriense de Laub.

Endemic to two islands in the Republic of Fiji where it has been extensively logged for its valuable timber and its habitat converted for agriculture and pastoralism


Endemic to the Republic of Fiji in the Nausori Highlands in western Viti Levu and at Sarava on Vanua Levu. The estimated area of occupancy is much less than 500km².

Two subpopulations are currently known. On Viti Levu all known stands are within several kilometers of each other and are considered as a single subpopulation/ location within the context of the IUCN guidelines. The total number of individuals is estimated to in excess of 3,200 in nine localities; regeneration is variable depending on locality

The second subpopulation is on Vanua Levu (Sarava). This subpopulation is estimated to have about 200 individuals. Regeneration in this area is said to be good.

Habitat and Ecology

Submontane forest below 600 m asl; often associated with regrowth in logged forest, abandoned garden sites or the margins of forest with anthropogenic grassland. Annual rainfall is up to 2500 mm with a distinct dry season from June to October. Reported to be slow growing, especially when young.

Human Uses

Highly valued for timber that is used for general construction and carpentry.

Conservation Status

Global status

Endangered B2ab(iii)

Global rationale

Dacrydium nausoriense is a valuable timber species in Fiji that has been heavily exploited. It has a very restricted distribution and the estimated area of occupancy is well within the threshold for Endangered under criterion B. It is known from two locations and there is a continuing decline at least in the quality of habitat and probably the number of mature individuals.

Global threats

The primary threats are over-exploitation for timber, agriculture, pastoralism, invasive species and fire.

Conservation Actions

Currently this species is not known to occur in any protected areas although some areas within its range have been identified as priority areas for conservation (Olsen et al., 2009). Dacrydium nausoriense is listed under Schedule 2 of Fiji's Endangered and Protected Species Act (2002) which provides some regulation of its exploitation.

References and further reading

  1. Ash, J. (1986). Growth Rings, Age and Taxonomy of Dacrydium (Podocarpaceae) in Fiji. Australian Journal of Botany 34: 197–205.
  2. Keppel, G., A. Naikatini, I. Rounds, R. Pressey, N. Thomas (2015). Local and expert knowledge improve conservation assessment of rare and iconic Fijian tree species. Pacific Conservation Biology 21(3): 214-219.
  3. Keppel, G., P. Prentis, E. Biffen, P. Hodgskiss, M. Tuiwawa & A. Lowe. (2011). Diversification history and hybridisation of Dacrydium (Podocarpaceae) in remote Oceania. Australian Journal of Botany 59: 1–12.
  4. NatureFiji. (2011). Dacrydium nausoriense Yaka, Tagitagi. Suva Available at: http://www.naturefiji.org/endspecies.php?info=Dacrydium%20nausoriense. (Accessed: 3 May 2011).
  5. Olson, D., Farley, L., Patrick, A., Watling, D., Tuiwawa, M., Masibalavu, V., Lenoa, L., Bogiva, A., Qauqau, I., Atherton, J., Caginitoba, A., Tokota’a, M., Prasad, P., NaisilisilI, W., Raikabula, A., Mailautoka, K., Morley, C. & Allnutt, T. (2009). Priority Forests for Conservation in Fiji: landscapes, hotspots and ecological processes. Oryx 44(1): 57–70.
  6. Smith, A.C. (1979). Flora Vitiensis Nova: a new Flora of Fiji. Pacific Tropical Botanic Garden, Hawaii.
  7. Thomas, P. 2013. Dacrydium nausoriense. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 07 September 2013
  8. Watt, A. (1996). Completed data collection forms for conifers of New Caledonia and Fiji.

Entry information:

Entry authors:

P.I.Thomas and G.Keppel. ·

Entry last edited:

6 Sept 2019

Recommended Citation:

P.I.Thomas and G.Keppel, 2019, Dacrydium nausoriense, from the website: ‘Threatened Conifers of The World’ (https://threatenedconifers.rbge.org.uk/conifers/dacrydium-nausoriense). Downloaded on 15 March 2025.

Categorised in:

Agriculture and Forestry, Endangered, Direct exploitation, Southwest Pacific and Podocarpaceae.