
Podocarpus micropedunculatus de Laub.

An unusual species that may reproduce from rhizomes or lignotubers. Known from lowland forests in Brunei, Sabah and Sarawk. A decline is suspected but not accurately quantified as forests are converted for oil palm production.


Recorded from Brunei; and Malaysia: Sabah, Sarawak. The main distribution appears to be centred on Brunei with one outlying locality in southeastern Sabah (Tawau Hills). With this outlier included, the extent of occurrence is more than 20,000 km2. However, the area of occupancy, based on known herbarium specimens is less than 300 km2. It may also occur in adjoining areas of Kalimantan although no herbarium records have been identified.

The population sizes in the localities from where this species has been collected are unknown. Some decline is likely to have taken place, particularly at lower altitudes where forest conversion for oil plantations has occurred. The overall population trend is unknown but likely to be declining.

Habitat and Ecology

Mainly recorded as a small tree or shrub in the understory of lowland Agathis forests (below 500 m a.s.l.). Other associated species include Dryobalanops rappa and Shorea albida. It has also been recorded from forest margins. This species may reproduce from rhizomes - an unusual feature for a conifer. That character may promote its survival following logging or other disturbances. Its fire resistance is unknown.

Human Uses

No uses have been recorded for this species and it is not known in cultivation.

Conservation Status

Global Status

Near Threatened

Global Rationale

Podocarpus micropedunculatus is a relatively poorly known species that appears to have a limited distribution at relatively low altitudes in forest types that have been targeted for logging and conversion to other uses such as palm oil plantations. A decline is suspected but it is uncertain if it is sufficient to be within the thresholds for a threatened listing. In this assessment a precautionary approach is taken and the category Near Threatened allocated on the basis that it almost qualifies for listing in a threatened category under criterion A2ac. Additional information about distribution and trends is required before a definitive assessment can be made.

Conservation Actions

This species was originally decribed from the Marudi Forest Reserve. It is also recorded from Kimanis and Mandahan Forest Reserves on the South China Sea coast of Sabah.