Categories · Threats

Extreme weather events

Extreme weather events such as flooding, drought, hurricanes and severe cold winters can have an extremely negative impact throughout the distribution of the conifers, even when they are of short duration. These chance (or stochastic) threats do play an important role in forest ecology but they are potentially damaging to populations with narrow distributions such as the Chinese fir species Abies beshanzuensis and A.

yunabaoshanensis; the former is affected by flooding and the latter by severe cold winters. In the Caribbean area where hurricanes are prevalent, naturally occurring small populations of conifer species such as Podocarpus urbanii, J. barbadensis var barbadensis and Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis are particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of hurricanes. Such events not only cause physical damage to trees but storm surges that commonly accompany hurricanes deposit increased salt levels in soil which can have long-term consequences, causing delayed mortality of trees, followed by forest decline. An increasing prevalence of extreme weather events is associated with longer term climate change

There are 17 taxa in the category – Natural / geological events, Extreme weather events:

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